All This is From God

Glen with his WorkFaith instructor, Deborah Smith.

Glen with his WorkFaith instructor, Deborah Smith.

At WorkFaith, one of the great privileges we have is hearing our workshop participants’ stories. Glen’s story is one that we are privileged to know, and now be a small part of. Glen recently entered a different world after spending over 23 years in prison. Glen was directed to a WorkFaith workshop where our staff was able to walk alongside him, sharing up-to-date information to help him in his job search. We believe that Glen has skills and abilities given by God and desire to equip him to use those skills as he works. Glen is now working two part-time jobs and working towards obtaining a full-time position. What we learned from Glen’s story is that we serve a God who is in the business of re-entry. We are convinced that God’s heart is to see people restored and reconciled to Him no matter the challenges that they are facing, and we are also convinced that He has asked us to step into places where we are able to walk alongside individuals with stories like Glen’s. Because, we believe that all of this from God.

Read the rest of our April eblast
